- Roxbury Community School
- Preschool 2025/2026
- Health Requirements
RCS Preschool Health Requirements for School Admission
Dates must be provided and signed by your physician and attached to the physical exam prior to your child being permitted to enter school. The exception being the influenza vaccination, to be submitted between September 1st and December 31st.
All students must have up-to-date medical records including all the necessary required immunizations.
- Chapter 14 NJ State Sanitary Code N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.2 Proof of Immunization - a principal, director, or other person in charge of a school, preschool, or child care facility shall not knowingly admit or retain any child whose parent or guardian has not submitted acceptable evidence of the child's immunization, according to the schedules specified in this subchapter.
All students must have an updated physical exam record on the Universal Health Form.
- Your child's health status must be done within (1) year of the student's actual start date into the school (not the registration date into the program).
- In compliance with N.J.A.C. 18-A:40-4, each student must obtain a physical examination upon entry in school. This examination must be done no more than 365 days prior to entry and must state what, if any, modifications are required for full participation in the school program.
- Other medical forms may be required, please visit the Nurse webpage to review documents such as medication permission forms, Action Plans for anaphylaxis, asthma, or seizure, etc.