- Roxbury Community School
- RHS Credit Recovery
RHS Credit Recovery
Roxbury High School Credit Recovery
Roxbury High School Seniors who have failed a required semester one course during the 2024-2025 school year, or have lost credit due to excessive absences may participate in Roxbury Community School’s self-paced virtual credit recovery program during the second semester of their senior year.
Credit Recovery courses will be graded as Pass/Fail and will be recorded on the transcript; the original grade remains on the transcript and is included in the calculation of a student’s overall GPA. Appropriate course credit will be applied toward graduation requirements. The senior student must enroll in an online credit recovery program at their own expense.
All courses must be completed by the course close date indicated to receive credit for the course.
Recovery Options
RHS Senior English
Students enrolled in English IV Credit Recovery revisit and develop essential Language Arts skills and standards demonstrated in English IV. The class will focus on the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills associated with each English IV semester class, as well as the common assessments that align all sections. These include the analysis and synthesis of fiction and nonfiction texts, as well as the production of expository, critical, and argumentative writing.
MODULES: 8 Instructional Units
COST: $120.00 per student
INSTRUCTOR(S): Ms. Norgard
Students enrolled in this course will learn that health is more than just the absence of disease. It involves physical, mental, social, and sexual aspects of development. Students gain an understanding that each aspect of health constantly affects and is affected by others. Good health is what allows people to live up to their full potential. Health is always changing. One is not at the same level of health today as one was yesterday or will be tomorrow.
MODULES: 4 Instructional Units
COST: $60.00 per student
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Douglas
Register now for the RHS Credit Recovery Programs using our online registration form.
If you have difficulty registering online try using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. You can also download a PDF registration form. Please complete this form and send it in with your payment to the Roxbury Community School located within Lincoln/Roosevelt School at 34 North Hillside Avenue, Succasunna, NJ 07876.
The Roxbury Community School is self-sufficient and a course/program must pay for itself. If there are not enough registrants, the course/program will be canceled. The Coordinator reserves the right to remove from class those individuals who have not paid tuition.
There are no refunds for courses/camps AFTER the program starts. All cancellations must be received in writing to comschool@roxbury.org at least seven days prior to the start of the class for a refund. After that date, there will be no refunds.
If you have questions or problems regarding this program or registration, please email comschool@roxbury.org.