Roxbury School District Policy & Regulation 2415 provides guidance on how our district is to allocate and utilize Title 1 Federal Funding. Based upon the federal guidelines and our policy, Nixon & Franklin Schools are the only Roxbury Schools to receive this funding.
With this funding, Franklin School and Nixon School design targeted assistance programming to support the academic readiness of students. The intent of these funds is to:
- Provide supplemental educational opportunities to students who are most academically at risk.
- Ensure that children have fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain high-quality education.
- Reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state standards and assessments (reading, mathematics, and readiness).
WHAT IS TITLE 1? The Improving America’sSchools Act of 1994 provides financial assistance to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of students who are academically at-risk.
WHAT IS THE GOAL OF TITLE 1? The goal of Title 1 is to provide instructional services and activities to meet the needs of students who are most at risk for not achieving proficiency on the State’s challenging standards.
WHAT WILL TITLE 1 FUNDING DO FOR THE STUDENTS OF NIXON SCHOOL? The Title 1 funding will enable Nixon School to develop a targeted program for students who are academically at-risk, as identified by various assessments and data over time. The program will enable children who are academically struggling to receive extra educational assistance.
HOW DOES OUR SCHOOL RECEIVE TITLE 1 FUNDS? First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, State Educational Agencies send this money to school districts based upon the number of low-income students attending that school. Finally, the Title 1 Schools: Identify students who need the most educational assistance based upon criteria that the school has chosen. Students DO NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title 1 Services. Then Title 1 Schools, set goals for improving the students’ skills, measuring progress along the way, and reflecting upon the services provided.
WHO IS OUR TITLE 1 TARGETED POPULATION? Students who are academically at-risk in Kindergarten will benefit from additional educational services within a program entitled, Kinder S.T.A.R.S. (Kinder Students Thinking and Reaching for the Stars) and at-risk students in 1st grade will benefit from additional educational services within a program entitled, Pathways to Learning. Services within these two programs will be delivered by Highly Qualified Instructional Paraprofessionals. These services will take place in the classroom and will supplement regular classroom instruction. We will also continue our summer program, S.A.I.L., which will provide educational services to students who qualify for additional support in Grades K-4.
ARE ALL OF OUR TEACHERS CONSIDERED HIGHLY QUALIFIED? 100% of Nixon School’s teachers are considered Highly Qualified Teachers, as outlined in the No Child Left Behind legislation.
WHAT CAN YOU, THE PARENTS, DO TO INFLUENCE THE SUCCESS OF YOUR CHILD IN SCHOOL? Become an active participant in the Title 1 involvement plan by:
Sending your child to school o
n time and prepared to learn.
Assisting your child with homework assignments as needed.
Providing an appropriate environment in which your child can complete homework.
Attending parent/teacher conferences to discuss the progress of your child
Reading to your child every day and making sure that your child independently reads.
Joining our PTA & participating in the family involvement activities that are offered.
Communicating with your child’s teacher regularly; letting the teacher know when events in your child’s life occur which may affect his/her performance at school.
We are very proud of our Title I programs...please feel free to share your feedback or suggestions about how we can improve our programs at any time by sending an email to Dr. Seipp or completing this Google Form.