The National Collegiate Athletic Association

  • The NCAA has a lot of great information to offer, please visit their website to read more NCAA  

    It is very important that any student who may want to play sports in college do the following while in high school:
    1. Notify your counselor of your intention to play college sports.  This can happen as early as 9th grade.
    2. Obtain the NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete 2024-2025 Guide
    3. Make sure to take courses that are "core" classes as determined by the NCAA eligibility center Core Course List
    4. Make sure you are taking the right distribution of courses.  Find out which courses (and how many) of each discipline you are required to take in order to be eligible for college athletics.
    5. Register for and take the SAT/ACT, more than once if needed NCAA Testing Info
    6. Students need to request their transcript (at the end of 11th grade) through the NCAA eligibility center  
    7. Create Your NCAA Account Here