- Nixon Elementary School
- Welcome to the NES Health Office
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Welcome to the Nixon Elementary School Health Office!
Every school year is a new opportunity to learn and grow. In order to do that, students should be we
ll rested, eat right, drink plenty of water and come to school healthy and ready to participate!
Our own personal experiences with Covid and the quarantine reminded us of the importance of our health and hygiene routines, and really how important it is to practice respiratory etiquette (coughing into our elbows, sneezing into our tissues) and to wash our hands throughout the day.
For everyone's safety, it's important to keep your child home if they aren't feeling well! Viruses love to spread - so please call me if you are unsure if your child should come to school or stay home.
FEVERS: Please keep your child home if their temp is 100.4 or greater. Children must be fever free without the use of a fever reducer for 24 hours before they may return. If you need to medicate your child due to a temperature, please do not send them to school.
The District Health Information web page is a great resource! The District homepage has a tab devoted to nursing services for the district. All district forms that you will need (i.e, medications, physicals, action plans), are accessible through this page.