- Roxbury High School
- Graduation Requirements
Program of Studies
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- 2025-26 Program of Studies
- Academies and Special Programs
- Career Pathways
- Dual Enrollment Options
- Graduation Requirements
- Service & Experiential Learning Options
- Typical Course Sequence
- Course Descriptions (A - Z)
- Course Descriptions by Department
A total of 140 credits must be earned for a student to graduate from Roxbury High School. State and local policy dictates that some of these credits are earned in prescribed courses. It is possible to fail a course and catch up the following year or years by taking a full schedule of courses and/or summer school. For a student to be eligible for graduation from Roxbury High School, they must also pass a state endorsed assessment (High School Graduation Assessment Requirements).
Prescribed Course Requirements Are:
4 years of English = 20 credits
2 years of United States History = 10 credits
1 year of World History = 5 credits
3 years of Math (Algebra, Geometry, and a math that builds on the concepts and skills from Algebra and Geometry and prepares students for college and 21st century careers) = 15 credits
3 years of Science (must include Biology) = 15-18 credits
1 year of Visual or Performing Arts = 5 credits
1 year of Practical Arts = 5 credits
1 year of World Language = 5 credits
4 years of Physical Education/Health/Driver Theory = 20 credits
.5 years Financial Literacy = 2.5 credits
Students must take a minimum of seven subjects (35 credits) a year, but are encouraged to take eight subjects (40 credits) each year.