- Roxbury High School
- Service & Experiential Learning Options
- College Option
Program of Studies
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- 2025-26 Program of Studies
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- Graduation Requirements
- Service & Experiential Learning Options
- Typical Course Sequence
- Course Descriptions (A - Z)
- Course Descriptions by Department
The College Option is offered to students looking to enrich their academic experience by taking a course not offered in the district program of studies at an accredited college or university. This program, unlike the Senior Option, or the Independent Study, does not require a faculty advisor, however, it does require approval from a committee.
The College Option Program is open to any student in grade eleven through twelve who:
has demonstrated sufficient academic proficiency, in the judgment of the College Option Committee, to assure that commitment to College Option would not jeopardize his/her regular class work.
is on pace to graduate and has not failed any subjects the year before initiating the study.
is interested in pursuing a college course that extends beyond the school-offered curriculum.
** Students interested in this option must complete the College Option packet.