Health Forms for Student-Athletes


  •  All paperwork and forms outlined below on this webpage must be completed no later than the dates indicated in the following table to ensure approval and eligibility for participation:
    School Year Sports Season 
    Due Date for Forms
    2024/25 Fall July 12, 2024 (Fri)
    2024/25 Winter Oct 25, 2024  (Fri)
    2024/25 Spring Feb 12, 2025 (Wed)


Physical Packet

  • According to New Jersey State Mandates, each candidate who wishes to participate in athletics, school athletic squad, or a team MUST be examined by their primary health care provider within 365 days PRIOR to the first try-out or practice session. The date of your child's last physical exam can be verified in the Genesis Parent Portal by clicking the Athletics tab and clicking Eligibility.

    IMPORTANT - CLICK HERE FIRST before submitting a New Physical Packet

    NEW PHYSICAL PACKET (English) (Spanish) - If a student needs a new physical, the following forms must be completed and uploaded into the Genesis Parent Portal:

    1. Health History Form completed by parent and submitted to health care provider 
    2. Athletic pre-participation physical exam form completed by health care provider 
    3. Medical Eligibility Form completed by health care provider and uploaded to Genesis

    (English) (Spanish)
    - If a student already has a valid physical cleared by the school physician and on file with the school health office, the following forms must be completed EACH NEW SPORTS SEASON and uploaded to the Genesis Parent Portal:

    1. Health History Update Questionnaire completed by parent and uploaded to Genesis

Medication Packet(s)

  • Any student athlete with asthma or a food/insect sting allergy that has/or has had an "Asthma Action Plan" or an "Anaphylaxis Action Plan" MUST also submit the appropriate Medication Packet below along with the “New Physical Packet” or the “Recheck Packet”, if it is not already on file with the health office for the current year, in order to be eligible for play.  

Online Forms in Genesis

REMINDER: Late Submission Penalties

  •  Sport physical forms that are submitted after the due date will be subject to the following consequences:
    • Within the first school week of due date: 
      Athlete will NOT be allowed to participate in his/her sport for 1 DAY after he/she has been cleared to participate.

    • Within the second school week of due date:
      Athlete will NOT be allowed to participate in his/her sport for 2 DAYS after he/she has been cleared to participate.

    • Within the third school week of due date:
      Athlete will NOT be allowed to participate in his/her sport for 1 WEEK after he/she has been cleared to participate.

    • Within four or more school weeks of due date:
      Athlete will NOT be allowed to participate in his/her sport for 2 WEEKS after he/she has been cleared to participate.

    Please note:
    • In accordance with NJ State Law, the school physician has been contracted by our Board of Education to visit our school 3 times per pre-season.

    • The sole purpose for each of these visits is to review and sign off new sports physicals.  This does not include already existing valid sports physicals on file in the health office.

    • These 3 visits generally fall within the 4 week time frame of the stated due dates.  Therefore, if new physical forms are turned in later than the last contractual visit made by our school physician, it will be the athlete's responsibility to incur any additional costs should another visit by the school physician be required to clear those forms submitted after the deadline.